Salut à tous ! Ce week-end la météo était bien plus agréable : grand soleil et chaleur d'été. Mon programme était simple : je me suis reposée et je me suis promenée aux alentours de mon nouvel appartement.
Hey there ! The weather was much better during the week-end : the sun was shining and it was actually very warm. My program was quite simple : I got some rest and I had a walk around my new place.
Visite du Queen Victoria Building - Visit of Queen Victoria Building
J'avais une course à faire le samedi après-midi alors je me suis rendue dans un centre commercial appelé QVB pour Queen Victoria Building situé dans le CBD de Sydney. De style néo-roman, l'architecture du bâtiment est tout à fait remarquable. On y trouve de tout et à tous les prix mais c'est surtout le bâtiment en lui même qui vaut le détour.
I had a few things to buy on Saturday afternoon so I went to the shopping centre called QVB it stands for Queen Victoria Building located in the CBD of Sydney. The architecture of the building is very special, it's a Romanesque Revival style building. There is everyting you could be looking for.
Une partie de la skyline de Sydney. On peut voir LE pont de Sydney en arrière plan. Je vous l'accorde il faut bien regarder... Promis, je vais très vite aller le voir de plus près !
Part of the skyline of Sydney. You can see THE bridge of Sydney in the background of that picture ! Not that obvious that's right. I promise you to go and see it very soon !
I had a few things to buy on Saturday afternoon so I went to the shopping centre called QVB it stands for Queen Victoria Building located in the CBD of Sydney. The architecture of the building is very special, it's a Romanesque Revival style building. There is everyting you could be looking for.
Une partie de la skyline de Sydney. On peut voir LE pont de Sydney en arrière plan. Je vous l'accorde il faut bien regarder... Promis, je vais très vite aller le voir de plus près !
Part of the skyline of Sydney. You can see THE bridge of Sydney in the background of that picture ! Not that obvious that's right. I promise you to go and see it very soon !
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